Billions and decades of research later, doctors don't know the cause of autism, allergies, asthma, autoimmunity but they magically know trial adverse events are not related to this new mRNA vaccine?
Even when evidence suggests adverse events (AE) were caused by the vaccine, investigators routinely dismissed AEs as not related to the vaccine while offering zero evidence to support the conclusion.
After billions and decades squandered on “research”, doctors will readily admit that they have no clue about the root cause of asthma, autism, allergies, autoimmune disorders, leukemia or even COVID-19 severity.
Following a lawsuit filed by Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), the FDA began releasing documents used for the authorization of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
One such document is the SUMMARY OF CLINICAL SAFETY which describes adverse events reported in the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine trial.
Investigators repeatedly dismissed the observed adverse events (AE) and serious AEs (SAE) as not related to the vaccine. They offer ZERO explanations. No tests, results or analysis used to support their conclusions.
1 older participant in the 20 µg group had an SAE of severe syncope (considered as not related to study intervention)
Among BNT162b2 participants, 1 older participant in 20 µg group had an SAE of ankle fracture (considered as not related to study intervention)
muscle spasms 2 days after Dose 2 (30 µg dose group, considered unrelated to BNT162b2) and radiculopathy 3 days after Dose 1 (placebo), considered unrelated to study intervention.
Two severe events were reported for 2 participants in the BNT162b2 younger age group: myalgia (AE) and gastric adenocarcinoma (SAE) … assessed by the investigator as not related to study intervention.
Here we have a new experimental mRNA vaccine, never before used in humans. But the investigators (doctors) are able to magically determine with certainty that these AEs are not related to the vaccine? Given their abject failure in determining the root cause of so many chronic diseases after billions and decades spent, how did they magically accomplish such a feat in such a short period of time?
Overall, 1 to 3 days after Dose 1, there were transient decreases in lymphocytes
2 severe AEs were reported in the older age group (herpes zoster 2 days after Dose 1 [20 µg dose group], which was considered unrelated
One participant in the older age group reported a severe SAE of COVID-19 pneumonia 8 days after Dose 3, which resolved 4 days later and was assessed by the investigator as not related to study intervention.
Appendicitis cases were all reported as SAEs, and none of the cases were considered related to study intervention.
Grade 2 SAE of Clostridium difficile infection occurred 47 days post Dose 4 and was continuing at the data cutoff date. This SAE was assessed as not related to the study intervention
the category of encephalopathy included 2 participants in the BNT162b2 group and none in the placebo group. One participant reported an SAE of toxic encephalopathy 64 days after Dose 2 in the setting of diverticulosis and a urinary tract infection, which resolved 8 days later, and the other participant reported an SAE of uraemic encephalopathy 36 days after Dose 2, which resolved 3 days later. Both events were assessed by the investigator as not related to study intervention.
It stands to reason that when lymphocytes are decreased by the vaccine, the person is more prone to infections and therefore herpes zoster, appendicitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, etc. are to be expected. How then can these observed infections be dismissed as unrelated to the vaccine?
There was 1 participant in the older BNT162b2 age group with pericarditis. The event had an onset of 28 days after Dose 2, was ongoing at the data cutoff date, and was assessed by the investigator as not related to the study intervention.
They even tried to dismiss pericarditis as not related. They were caught lying.
During the open-label follow-up period, there were 3 deaths in original BNT162b2 participants and 2 deaths in original placebo participants who then received BNT162b2. None of the deaths were assessed by the investigator as related to study intervention.
More magic.
a life-threatening SAE of myocardial infarction 71 days after Dose 2 that was assessed by the investigator as related to study intervention, which lasted 1 day and resolved the same day
3 deaths in original BNT162b2 participants (all in the older age group, one each due to road traffic accident, lung metastases, and myocardial infarction) … None of these deaths were assessed by the investigator as related to study intervention.
One participant with a past medical history of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, coronary artery disease, and a coronary artery bypass in 2006, had a Grade 3 SAE of myocardial infarction, 16 days post Dose 3, which lasted 4 days and resolved with sequelae. The SAE was assessed and not related to the study intervention
So one time myocardial infarction is related to the vaccine but other times it is not?
One participant with a significant past history of a deep vein thrombosis and COVID19 in the placebo-controlled follow-up period, had a Grade 3 SAE of pulmonary embolism, 6 days post Dose 4, which lasted 2 days and resolved with sequelae. The SAE was assessed as not related to the study intervention
The following life-threatening events were reported and with the exception of anaphylactoid reaction, all were considered unrelated to vaccine
Grade 4 life-threatening SAE of cardio-respiratory arrest was reported in one participant in the older age group. The event occurred 25 days after Dose 3 and the outcome was fatal.
Grade 4 life-threatening SAE of gastrointestinal necrosis
Grade 4 life-threatening SAE of pulmonary embolism and a Grade 4 life-threatening SAE of deep vein thrombosis.
One participant in the older age group reported 1 severe SAE each of pulmonary embolism and thrombosis (occlusive thrombus in the right calf) 2 days after Dose 3. Both events resolved the following day, and both were assessed by the investigator as not related to study intervention
One participant in the younger age group reported a severe SAE of pulmonary embolism 5 days after Dose 4, which resolved the following day and was assessed by the investigator as not related to study intervention.
2 Grade 3 SAEs, urosepsis and acute hypoxic respiratory failure, both occurred 7 days post Dose 3, lasted 5 days, and resolved. These SAEs were assessed as not related to the study intervention
Grade 2 SAE of deep vein thrombosis (lower right extremity) and Grade 1 SAE of pulmonary embolism, which both occurred 2 days after Dose 3, had both resolved with a duration of 3 days; both SAEs were assessed by the investigator as not related to the study intervention.
Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism have been confirmed outside the trial to be vaccine related. Instead of dismissing as “not related”, if the events were immediately notified, some of these cases could have been prevented.
Grade 3 SAE of non-small cell lung cancer (stage III), occurred 31 days post Dose 4 and was continuing at the data cutoff date. This SAE was assessed as not related to the study intervention
Most AEs reported were considered by the investigator as not related to study intervention.
What else can we expect when liability-free vaccine makers have zero incentive to find and fix problems with their products?
Among BNT162b2 recipients, 1 younger participant in the in the 10 μg group discontinued the study due to a moderate AE of nasopharyngitis (considered as not related to study intervention) after Dose 1.
Actually nasopharyngitis, allergies and asthma were predicted AEs because all vaccines are aeroallergen contaminated, especially the Pfizer vaccine.
One participant in the younger age group reported a severe AE of hypersensitivity on 13 days after Dose 3, which resolved the following day and was assessed by the investigator as not related to study intervention
Drug hypersensitivity to an antibiotic in a BNT162b2 recipient (9 days after Dose 2) … considered by the investigator as not related to study treatment.
How did they know this was not de novo hypersensitivity induced by the vaccine as was predicted?
One participant in the older age group reported a severe SAE of cerebrovascular accident 16 days after Dose 4, which was assessed by the investigator as not related to study intervention
None of the SAEs were assessed by the investigator as related to study intervention.
SAE of pneumonia
Of the 4 cases (Bell’s palsy) in participants randomized to BNT162b2, 2 were considered by the investigator to be related to study intervention. The remaining 4 cases (2 in participants originally randomized to BNT162b2 and 2 in participants originally randomized to placebo) were assessed as not related to study intervention.
Two are related, two are not?
Optic neuritis was observed in 2 participants in the BNT162b2 group and none in the placebo group; 1 case occurring in a male participant and 1 case occurring in a female participant. Both participants were in the younger age group. These events occurred 79 and 81 days after their last vaccination of BNT162b2. Both were considered not related to BNT162b2.
Seems to me this should qualify as willful misconduct by Pfizer. This should lead to loss of any liability protection under the PREP Act. Since the captured FDA and conflicted VRBPAC/ACIP looked the other way, the HHS OIG needs to investigate, like the Aduhelm fiasco.
Inflammatory autoimmune diseases are primarily caused, with individual genetic variations, by our current lack of helminths (intestinal worms) in the context of our ancestors (to about a century ago) having evolved with these multicellular parasites, which have all evolved to exude compounds which downmodulate the inflammatory (indiscriminate cell destroying) immune responses which target them.
This is made much worse in most people by very low levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which the immune system needs at 50 ng/mL or more in order that it can function properly.
Higher than these levels can suppress excessive inflammation and so suppress psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cluster headaches, migraine etc. - but this is something of a hack. As long as people lack helminths, or do not have synthetic compounds in their bloodstream which similarly downmodulate inflammation to the healthy levels our ancestors evolved in the context of such downmodulation, then excessive inflammatory responses will cause immense suffering, harm and death.
For more information: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/05-mds/ and https://vitamindstopscovid.info/06-adv/ . For using ~1mg calcifediol (which is 25-hydroxyvitamin D) to raise blood 25-hydroxyvitamin D over 50 ng/mL in 4 hours: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/calcifediol-to-boost-25-hydroxyvitamin .
Autism has a lot to do with low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in early pregnancy: Wu et al. 2018: https://asbmr.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jbmr.3326 .
The most common neurological disease of all, sleep disturbing Restless Legs Syndrome AKA Period Limb Movement Disorder, is officially unexplained, after decades of research. You can read reasonably comprehensive account of its etiology at: https://aminotheory.com/rlsd/briefsumm/ Applying this understanding will greatly reduce the need for the pernicious, personality changing, obsessive behaviour causing, dopamine receptor agonist drugs which, with similarly pernicious opioids, are currently the main form of treatment.