SkepticalRaptor is wrong about peanut oil in vaccines. Vaccines are contaminated with numerous food proteins including peanut, per National Academy of Medicine thus causing the food allergy epidemic.
Corrupted FDA, HHS, US government are lawless entities that maim and kill
SkepticalRaptor (Michael Simpson) wrote an article wrongly claiming:
There is no peanut oil in vaccines — who comes up with this nonsense?
Simpson is wrong. In its 2017 report on Finding a Path to Safety in Food Allergy
The National Academy of Medicine wrote:
Predictably these allergen contaminated vaccines train the immune system to inappropriately attack harmless foods thus causing the explosion of food allergies.
Simpson writes:
So Simpson has helpfully confirmed for us that the vaccine makers and the FDA are most definitely involved in criminals acts because no pharmaceutical or medical product lists ALL ingredients.
There are multiple examples.
The Pfizer mRNA vaccine is contaminated with live E. coli bacteria and thus all E. coli proteins. Pfizer and the FDA lied claiming it is sterile and omitted any reference to E. coli.
Reality is exposed by leaked documents from the European Medicines Agency.
Bioburden means not sterile and containing live E. coli from the manufacturing process that uses genetically modified E. coli.
For the DTap vaccine, the FDA and vaccine makers omit mentioning contamination with bovine milk proteins such as casein in the final product.
Reality is exposed when children with milk allergy suffer anaphylaxis after receiving the contaminated vaccine.
Anaphylaxis to diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccines among children with cow's milk allergy
While casein (the major milk protein) alone was investigated, the vaccine is contaminated with all bovine milk proteins including bovine folate receptor alpha (FRA) which causes the autism epidemic. This is the same situation as the flu shot where ovalbumin, the major contaminating protein is measured/studied but the vaccine is contaminated with up to 293 other chicken proteins which cause numerous other diseases.
HHS has been violating the law for 30 years with impunity. Why do we expect the FDA or the vaccine makers to obey the law?
Medicine is organized crime. Vaccines are among the most dangerous products ever made.
See how unvaccinated (entirely unvaccinated) do not have food allergies, asthma, eczema, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc., HERE:
The Control Group study is now peer-reviewed and published in an International Journal.
Sets up a strong case for requiring valid *and* correct batch number as required documentation for anyone receiving any sort of drug, application, supplement, etc.
Moreover, for proper informed consent, any information related to adverse reactions to certain batches should be readily available at time of consideration.