The Pharma corrupted American Association of Immunologists (AAI) admits they are incompetent. But they want to teach us immunology. Blind leading the blind? Let's teach them some immunology. Part 2
Most immunologists are incompetent. Otherwise injected vaccines/mRNA vaccines would never even have been developed.
Allergies, room for trouble?
Watch Dr. Cherie L. Butts (@clbutts01) break down allergies and what might cause them in this easy-to-understand video. Dive into the science behind the immune system:
“might”?! Speculation = science. Got it?
Dr. Cherie L. Butts says in the “easy-to-understand video”:
If you have been in one room then you go to a different room where you are exposed to something else and you go back to that same first room then sometimes what was in the second room can create a stronger response to what’s in the first room.
Clear? That was easy-to-understand.
Want to avoid allergies? Rent a studio apartment. Stop going from room to room. Got it?
AAI leaves plenty of room for ridicule.
AAI wants to teach you about autoimmunity. Archive.
Dr. Aimee Pugh Bernard above says:
That’s the problem. “No debate” because it’s dogma, not science.
Regarding autoimmunity Bernard says:
Genetics are our starting point.
If AAI/Bernard were doing science, they would go where the evidence takes them. Evidence would decide the starting point. Here they have already concluded genetics must be the starting point. Clearly they are not interested in science or evidence.
The immune system is great at defending us from pathogens, but sometimes, the “keys” can get mixed up and attack our own cells by mistake.
Again they blame it on an immune system mistake.
How do oncologists force your immune system to attack your own cancer cells (induce autoimmunity)?
They vaccinate using animal proteins that are similar to human proteins (homologous xenogeneic antigens). When the immune system learns to attack animal proteins, it cross reacts and attacks similar human proteins.
the use of homologous xenogeneic antigens, derived from different species was suggested to overcome the natural immune tolerance to self TAAs. Xenoantigens are supposed to differ sufficiently from self antigens to a degree that renders them immunogenic, but at the same time preserves an optimal homology range with self proteins still allowing xenoantigens to induce cross-reactive T cells.
How do dogs develop autoimmunity from vaccines? Vaccines contain bovine proteins that are similar to canine proteins. Immune response against bovine proteins cross reacts, attacks canine proteins thus resulting in autoimmunity.
Vaccine-Induced Autoimmunity in the Dog
the most likely sources of cross-reactive epitopes are bovine serum and cell culture components. These are present in almost all vaccines as residu-al components of the cell culture necessary to generate vaccine viruses and may purposely be added to the vaccine as a stabilizer. In the presence of an adjuvant, these bovine products stimulate a strong im-mune response and induce antibodies that cross-react with conserved canine antigens.
How do scientists create myasthenia gravis, a neuromuscular autoimmune disease, in lab rats? They vaccinate them using similar muscle proteins from electric eels.
Doctors and immunologists inject vaccines contaminated with thousands of animal/plant/fungal/bacterial/viral proteins many of which are similar to human proteins. What can we expect? An explosion of autoimmune diseases. When you program the immune system to attack thousands of alien proteins that are similar to human proteins, it is not the immune system’s “mistake” that it cross reacts and attacks our own cells, it is the insanity of our “medical professionals” that is to blame.
AAI writes above:
While it eliminates many self-reactive cells, the system isn’t perfect, and some of these self-reactive cells slip through.
That is not an imperfection. That is not a bug but a feature. The self-reactive cells that slip through, do so because they are ideally suited to detect cancer tissue that are slightly different from normal tissue. These cells will normally only be activated if there is pre-cancer, one of more mutations in the tissue. They strongly bind/attack cancer and weakly bind/attack similar, normal tissue. Therefore autoimmune diseases can naturally occur as a result of the immune system attacking cancer. An unavoidable “friendly fire” situation.
But with animal protein contaminated vaccines, these cells detect the animal proteins that are slightly different from human proteins, as cancer and are activated. So vaccines repeatedly trigger the anti-cancer immune response and cause numerous autoimmune diseases as a result.
We published the details.
AAI writes above:
We’re not always sure why self-reactive cells are triggered
We know. AAI does not.
So what have genes go to do with any of the above? Next to nothing. But these immunologists decided they will only be chasing genes and so decades/billions later, predictably, they have nothing to show for it.
The AAI causes lupus using dirty vaccines. Their lupus “treatment”? Destroy half your immune system (remove B cells). That defeats all the vaccinations the person received (if the vaccines worked at all). So why vaccinate in the first place?
Allergen immunotherapy is a tight rope walk. It switches between two disease states. It is not a cure. Sensitized state means specific IgE levels dominate, risk of anaphylaxis. Specific IgE antibody (sIgE) means IgE antibody specific to the allergen that recognizes and binds to that allergen. Desensitized means specific IgG4 domination, low risk of anaphylaxis, high risk of IgG4 related diseases (IgG4-RD) and eosinophilic disorders such as eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). Allergy is basically an anti-parasite immune response against harmless proteins. Sensitized state is when the immune system has encountered a parasite and is defending against infection. A desensitized state is when a parasite has infected the body and the body fights the infection using IgG4/eosinophils.
Most immunologists fail to understand this and abuse allergen immunotherapy. So the body is placed in a chronic state of “parasite infection”. The result is the predictable explosion of IgG4-RD and eosinophilic diseases.
Another treatment recently approved by the FDA blocks IgE
So the incompetent FDA and immunologists created these IgE by injecting dirty vaccines. Now their “treatment” is to inject you with CHO cell protein contaminated omalizumab which is another antibody that attacks your IgE antibodies. Omalizumab increases risk of autoimmune diseases due to CHO cell protein contamination and increases risk of cancer, parasitic infections due to indiscriminate suppression of all your IgE.
Understanding Your Child’s Immune System Archive
Children have a very immature immune system
But magically these “immature” immune systems respond to dozens of vaccines?
Magically, these “immature” immune systems can handle 10,000 vaccines a day?
New bugs, so you need repeated vaccines
That’s the insanity of using protein based vaccines. During infection, the immune system learns to attack every part of the virus. So it easily handles variants because only some parts change. But these useless injected vaccines induce an inappropriate immune response against just one part of the virus and that quickly becomes obsolete. This is the result of incompetent immunologists who lack humility, fail to understand the immune system and think their broken “interventions” are magically better than millions of years of evolution.
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign know that excess IL-17 causes aberrant fetal brain development, such as neocortical malformations. They tried to pin the blame on influenza infections during pregnancy and failed.
What does cause excess IL-17?
Massive Endotoxin contamination in Omalizumab
The true science on vaccines is very clear and all that is necessary is to read the mainstream medical journals – no conspiracy theory is required to see that these injections are killing and injuring children and adults for no benefit other than profit for the drug companies and social hegemony and mind control for the medical profession. You can read about it directly from the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society You can read about it directly from the American Academy of Pediatrics
“In the long-term period, the adjusted analysis showed that the risk of death was 69 to 94% higher for those who were vaccinated; and for those who took one and two doses of the vaccine, the risk of death practically doubled compared to those who were not immunized (reference category). For those who took one dose, the risk was 2.02 to 2.49 times higher, and for those who took two doses, the risk was 92 to 97% higher.