Aeroallergens prevalent in September are captured into vials and syringes of flu vaccines being manufactured for fall, sensitize/boost allergies thus producing the September asthma peak
The flu shot makes flu worse by making you allergic to the flu virus itself
Asthma Peak Month: The Factors Behind the Asthma Peak in September
Asthma peaks in September but you cannot expect to hear the real reason from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) because:
Aeroallergens prevalent in September are captured into vials and syringes of flu vaccines being manufactured for the fall season. They sensitize (cause the development of new allergy) or boost existing allergies against these aeroallergens. In other words, they misprogram the immune system to recognize these harmless aeroallergens as dangerous parasitic worms that must be viciously attacked, upon future exposure. When any protein is injected, long term persistent IgE antibody synthesis against that protein begins. While IgG antibody that may protect against disease wanes quickly.
So come next September, your immune system “overreacts” as programmed, to cause asthma/allergies to peak. But of course doctors are “baffled”. They will blame it on climate change or your genes.
Children with asthma who receive the influenza vaccine are 3 times more likely to be hospitalized.
The flu shot makes flu worse by making you allergic to the flu virus itself.
Influenza vaccines and dengue-like disease
Just like the COVID vaccine, the flu shot also causes you to inappropriately make IgG4 against the flu virus. IgE/IgG4/eosinophils are appropriate for helminths/parasite infections. Inappropriate for a respiratory virus. Consequence of insanely injecting antigens for a respiratory virus.
So expect more IgG4-related diseases (IgG4-RD) and eosinophilic disorders.
And the “treatment” for asthma? You guessed it, more aeroallergen contaminated injections - Biologics. They make you sick and keep you sick for life. Countries are going bankrupt paying for this scam we call Medicine.