Almost 2000 human proteins contaminate the AstraZeneca SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, developed/manufactured in 2020.
This proteome analysis revealed a surprisingly large number of proteins of 1856 – 1939 proteins per LOT …
The authors write
a possible strong alloimmune response (with potential for autoreactivity) in a susceptible vaccine recipient should be considered.
67% of vaccine recipients developed autoimmunity against PF4. This is autoimmunity resulting from just one contaminating protein. With 2000 contaminating proteins, it is guaranteed that EVERY vaccine recipient will develop an autoimmune disease.
What can you expect with older vaccines?
With xenogeneic antigens (animal/plant proteins) contaminating the vaccine, the autoimmunity problem is even worse.
Jacob et al. found 293 chicken proteins + bovine proteins in the influenza vaccine.
Similarly, one can expect hundreds of bovine proteins in the DTap/Tdap vaccines as casein or casamino acids derived from bovine milk is used for culture. One of those milk proteins is the bovine folate receptor alpha protein. Cow's milk protein contaminated vaccines (DTap/Tdap, Prevnar 13, ActHiB) therefore cause IgE mediated sensitization to bovine folate receptor alpha (FRA). Once sensitized, upon consuming milk, the person starts making IgG4 antibodies directed against FRA. These IgG4 cross-react with human FRA in the choroid plexus, block folate uptake to the brain thus resulting in cerebral folate deficiency (CFD). A milk-free diet reduces IgG4 levels thus improving CFD.
A milk-free diet downregulates folate receptor autoimmunity in cerebral folate deficiency syndrome
Most of the FR autoantibodies belong to the IgG4 subclass …
FR is well conserved across species, with more than 90% amino acid sequence homology between human FRα and bovine FRα,15,16 and this could contribute to common antigenic epitopes and cross-reactivity of the autoantibodies.
Cerebral folate deficiency in the developing brain, results in autism:
Cerebral folate receptor autoantibodies in autism spectrum disorder
By using folinic acid (not folic acid), you can get folate to the brain through an alternate pathway, bypassing the FRA antibody blockage:
Autism pathogenesis: Piecing it all together, from end to beginning …
Immunization with homologous xenogeneic (animal/plant/fungal) antigens causes the development of autoimmune diseases. Known for at least 45 years.
Vaccine-Induced Autoimmunity in the Dog
the most likely sources of cross-reactive epitopes are bovine serum and cell culture components. These are present in almost all vaccines as residu-al components of the cell culture necessary to generate vaccine viruses and may purposely be added to the vaccine as a stabilizer. In the presence of an adjuvant, these bovine products stimulate a strong im-mune response and induce antibodies that cross-react with conserved canine antigens.
Oncologists immunize with xenogeneic antigens to break immune tolerance (cause autoimmunity) to make your immune system attack your own cancer cells.
Regular vaccines such as the DTaP vaccines are contaminated with animal proteins (cow's milk derivatives used in vaccine manufacturing) and therefore cause numerous autoimmune disorders including folate receptor alpha autoimmunity induced autism.
We explain the immunological mechanisms involved:
I was in nursing school during the 1970s and the feared second (never realized) Swine Flu epidemic. There was talk that the student nurses were to be mobilized to administer vaccines in the mass vaccination campaigns that were planned. I was taking Microbiology at the time. Our professor was very critical of vaccine manufacturing process even back then. He said that the viruses in vaccines are cultured in eggs, then essentially the egg cultures are “put into a blender” and injected into people, essentially vaccinating the recipient against all the proteins in the vaccine. He felt that egg allergies were the result of the sloppy vaccine manufacturing process. I remember that he said the pharmaceutical companies were having to use duck egg cultures because so many people were developing allergies to chicken eggs.
Now the pharmaceutical companies use cell cultures derived from aborted fetuses. No wonder we have so many autoimmune diseases. We are being vaccinated against our own bodies.
This paper (a review of many studies) claims very strongly that paracetamol aka acetaminophen (often given to babies after vaccinations, circumcision, etc.) is a major cause of autism and ADHD.
Quote: "Based on this evidence, it can be concluded without any reasonable doubt that oxidative stress puts some babies and children at risk of paracetamol-induced neurodevelopmental injury, and that postnatal exposure to paracetamol in those susceptible babies and children is responsible for many if not most cases of ASD."
Table 4 in the paper lists 17 different reasons (or pieces of evidence) to support the claim.