Sep 16, 2022Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

I was in nursing school during the 1970s and the feared second (never realized) Swine Flu epidemic. There was talk that the student nurses were to be mobilized to administer vaccines in the mass vaccination campaigns that were planned. I was taking Microbiology at the time. Our professor was very critical of vaccine manufacturing process even back then. He said that the viruses in vaccines are cultured in eggs, then essentially the egg cultures are “put into a blender” and injected into people, essentially vaccinating the recipient against all the proteins in the vaccine. He felt that egg allergies were the result of the sloppy vaccine manufacturing process. I remember that he said the pharmaceutical companies were having to use duck egg cultures because so many people were developing allergies to chicken eggs.

Now the pharmaceutical companies use cell cultures derived from aborted fetuses. No wonder we have so many autoimmune diseases. We are being vaccinated against our own bodies.

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And they have corrupted enough people to keep all this under the rug.

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Serological examination of IgE- and IgG-specific antibodies to egg protein during influenza virus immunization.


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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

This paper (a review of many studies) claims very strongly that paracetamol aka acetaminophen (often given to babies after vaccinations, circumcision, etc.) is a major cause of autism and ADHD.


Quote: "Based on this evidence, it can be concluded without any reasonable doubt that oxidative stress puts some babies and children at risk of paracetamol-induced neurodevelopmental injury, and that postnatal exposure to paracetamol in those susceptible babies and children is responsible for many if not most cases of ASD."

Table 4 in the paper lists 17 different reasons (or pieces of evidence) to support the claim.

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Paracetamol may cause damage too. However, we know that 75% of autism patients test positive for folate receptor alpha antibodies (FRAA). We know FRAA causes their autism because reducing cow's milk consumption reduces FRAA IgG4, improves CSF folate levels and improves autism symptoms. Also folinic acid bypasses FRAA blockage and improves CSF folate status, improves autism symptoms.There is no biological mechanism by which a small molecule drug like acetaminophen can cause a specific immune response against a bovine milk protein.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

The mechanism by which paracetamol works is described in the paper I mentioned earlier (by Parker et al). It does not involve bovine milk proteins.

A part of paracetamol is converted into a metabolite called NAPQI which is normally neutralized by naturally present glutathione. However when a child is under oxidative stress (from infections, antibiotics, or even fasting), glutathione level is depleted and NAPQI does not get neutralized. Consequently, NAPQI reacts with and damages a wide range of proteins, including some proteins involved in the neurodevelopment of a growing baby. Eventually this leads to autism and/or ADHD. Also, note that (unintentional) overdosing with paracetamol is quite common because it exists in nearly 600 OTC and Rx drugs.

Vaccines may cause autism too (there are multiple suspects, including glyphosate). However, the significance of paracetamol connection is that it is easier for parents to avoid paracetamol than to avoid vaccines (because of vaccine mandates, fear of preventable infections, etc. ). It is also easier for many of them to blame a drug than a vaccine.

Moreover, unlike vaccines, drugs have no liability shield for the manufacturers. There are already 19 lawsuits in progress in the US against paracetamol/Tylenol for causing autism/adhd. If the lawyers win any of these lawsuits, it could change the entire landscape of autism research and debate. At the very least, people will stop saying that it is all genetic.

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Autism was blamed on mercury in the vaccines. Autism rates did not change much after mercury was removed. That was used to beat up people who pointed to other mechanisms by which vaccines cause autism. Paracetamol/vaccine/glyphosate must all be investigated.

We don't want to give these guys any more ammunition. If it turns out that paracetamol causes 1% of autism cases then we are back to square one.

Vaccines and Autism: A Tale of Shifting Hypotheses


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Please read the paper I mentioned. The evidence against paracetamol is very solid. (The paper cites many references.) This hypothesis also explains, at least partly, why autism rate is 4x higher in boys (circumcision+paracetamol). The vaccine hypothesis apparently does not.

Paracetamol also produces similar neurodevelopmental problems in lab rats and mice. In fact, if paracetamol were a brand new drug today, it wouldn't even get approved by FDA for clinical trials with children (because of failure with animal trials).

The initial case against paracetamol was made by Dr Stephen Schultz (in 2008) after his own son got autism. He did a survey of parents and found that rate of autism was 6x higher in kids who took tylenol after vaccination compared to those who took ibuprofen or nothing.

The one thing that is not clear from my reading/research is what percetage of autism and adhd cases are attributrable to paracetamol. Perhaps such a number is hard to determine without a controlled trial which may be very hard (and expensive) to do. The lawsuits claim that kids of women who took paracetamol during pregnancy were 20% more likely to have autism/adhd. They don't yet have a similar number for the postnatal use of paracetamol.

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I couldn’t agree more Vijay. The one thing I’d add is the role of vitamin D. Low Vit D (latitude, sunscreen, less dietary animal fat, indoor lifestyle, breastfeeding etc) = low glutathione. Just add paracetamol (often around vaccines, as you say) for the perfect storm. It is the low vit D factor that would explain the details like increased autism rates in African American babies seen after MMR, the epidemic in Somali community in Sweden (they call it ‘the Swedish disease’) and high rates in Korea (women carry sun parasols all the time). And there was a large study many years ago in Canada, comparing areas with especially high rates of autism (referred to as ‘black spot areas’ in the research) with the ordinary horrifying Canadian rate. The ONLY difference found, comparing for every possible variable they could think of (socio-economic status, alcohol etc etc) was... rainfall. The researchers had no idea what it meant, but were very confident in their findings. I know what it meant. Rain = clouds = less UVB = less vitamin D.

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Establishment will continue to throw out alternative issues to protect their sacred injections.

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You guys are a little over my pay grade, but here goes- I read the problem with Tylenol is that it opens the blood brain barrier whereby allowing even more neurotoxins like aluminum in the vaccines to enter the brain? Thoughts on that caveat?

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Tylenol's mechanism of neurotoxicity: When Tylenol/acetaminophen is metabolized in the body, a small fraction (5-15%) of the drug is converted into a toxic (pro-oxidant) metabolite called NAPQI. In a healthy child, who takes a normal dose of acetaminophen for a short time, NAPQI is effectively neutralized or detoxified by the body's natural supply of an antioxidant called glutathione. However, when a child gets an overdose of acetaminophen, or when his body is under 'oxidative stress' (an overload of pro-oxidants) caused, for instance, by an infection, antibiotic use, or pesticide exposure, the glutathione level gets depleted and NAPQI is not fully detoxified. The remaining NAPQI reacts with, and damages, a wide range of cellular proteins, thereby causing liver toxicity in adults and neurotoxicity in young children.

Incidentally, acetaminophen overdose is the most common medicinal overdose reported to poison control centers in the US. The overdose may occur because the baby is too small for the dosage given. Or multiple doses may be given by multiple caregivers who are unaware of the other doses. Or an overdose may result from giving two different medications, each of which contains acetaminophen.

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I am just wondering where to test for these antibodies. My daughter's pediatrician never tested anything.

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I am wondering, could children with MTHFR deficiency also be at risk?

Any link ?

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The FRAA problem can occur in healthy children. MTHFR deficiency could increase risk.

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This paper won't open up..

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

Although this is an old post, I thought my story may be of some interest.

I was born in the mid-1950s, as such there were no vaccines for childhood diseases. The only vaccines I receive were when I was 6-8 yrs old (That would be about 1962 or so. I received the small pox shot in the left arm (still have the scar to prove it) and the polio vaccine ( I believe it was a sugar cube). This could have been inoculations but I am no expert on this. I had every childhood disease at the time, German measles (rubella) , mumps, measles (whatever that means), chicken pox, and what ever other one running around in the 1960s.

At age 50 I was selected into a funded PhD program. I selected a well known university in Boston, MA.

All this happened very quickly and some of the University mandates came up about midway into the first semester. They wanted my immunization records to be sure I was up to date on vaccines.

I called my mother about it and she said there were no records with the county or any doctors.

The University insisted that I must take the MMR vaxx or take a blood test to prove I was still immune.

I went for the blood test as I did not want to take a shot that would potentially mess with my natural immunity. The blood test was lost and this all came up again during my second semester. I went back to the health clinic and they found my results.

OUTCOME: the blood test proved I had immunity so I did not have to take the MMR shot.

So after 2003 - 1963 = 41 years my body was still protecting me from the dreaded MMR diseases.

How much better off would our population be if we had relied natural immunity from these?

I looked for the data but I cannot find it detailed by year. I do not trust anything from our CDC.

If they say that the sun is shinning today, I prefer to walk outside and check for myself.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

I had the same experience with titers for all the viruses, drawn for the same reason. Still immune in my 40’s. Not only that, going though those illnesses was probably very good for our immune systems.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

Would this possibly also explain why a neighbours little girl, now over a year old, has allergies as well, including lactose, they have to be careful what food she eats and even had to be careful when breastfeeding. After a vaccination at 8 weeks, she got Rotavirus from the vaccine and was poorly for many months and developed these allergies, which they have a procedure they have been given should something happen. They had to call an ambulance a few weeks ago, but she was ok thankfully. They have said they will defer or not at all if there is a next time.

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Yes, that is correct. Autism is simply a special case of cow's milk allergy. Most commonly, milk allergy is directed towards casein, a milk protein. In autism the allergy is directed against another protein in milk, the bovine folate receptor alpha protein.

I found the root cause of autism after researching why my son developed life-threatening food allergies.

Evidence that Food Proteins in Vaccines Cause the Development of Food Allergies and Its Implications for Vaccine Policy


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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

Thank you for this. Why is it that injection of certain proteins causes allergy to that protein but eating the protein doesn’t? For instance, one doesn’t develop a cow’s milk allergy simply from drinking a little cow’s milk.

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In nature, injected proteins indicate danger, like hookworm bites, viruses/bacteria injected by insect bites, etc. So we have evolved to attack injected proteins.

Proteins we eat are denatured by stomach acid/enzymes and turned into nutritious amino acids. There is no danger, so we have evolved to tolerate proteins when we eat them.

Injecting a harmless food protein like cow's milk, trains the immune system to perceive it as a dangerous pathogen protein and attack it.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

Thank you! I think you made that point in an article and I missed the significance and relative difference.

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Thank you for explaining, much appreciated.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

I appreciate your detailed work and persistence in sharing it. Please continue!

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An acute autoimmune personal experience...

I got a case of poison ivy. The nasty chemical is urushiol. It has no innate toxicity, but it is a hapten and readily invades the skin and binds to proteins. Your proteins. The langerhans cells take up the antigen created by urushiol and present it to your lymphatic system. And presto! You have an autoimmune condition because your immune system is in tip top shape.

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