Thanks for linking me to this (added it to the article). You are very good at doing a deep dive on research and you've been able to find the time to find studies I find very helpful for my writing. Thank you again.

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Thank you and you are welcome.

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Did you just call this a 'deep-dive'? Did you read the whole paper?

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Yes, I have read that. Thanks.

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I dare say this did not get enough play. Wow

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" The increased risk for worse hospital outcomes was not related to influenza vaccination in the adjusted analysis."

"Overall, our analysis demonstrates that influenza vaccination does not increase the incidence of COVID-19 or worsen the related morbidity or mortality."

you clearly did not count on people actually reading the study you are quoting from.

and that makes you a?

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"Adjustment" is how medicine is corrupted. The raw data and the mechanism of disease causation I provided show the flu vaccine makes it worse. How would the authors know what and how to "adjust"? They "adjusted" to obtain their predetermined results. Fraud.

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what raw data did you provide and where did you do so?

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I provided a quote from the article, which is based on the data in Table 1 of the article which I also provided:

"Among individuals with a positive SARS-CoV-2 test, patients previously vaccinated for influenza in 2019 were more likely to be hospitalized. Once hospitalized, they were more likely to be admitted to the ICU and die during hospitalization."

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you call that "raw data ?


let's see.

the influenza vaccinated on average are a lot older, have more comorbidities, are more overweight than the unvaccinated.

and you claim that the fact that the vaccinated do worse in matters of covid19 is caused by the influenza vaccine?

how stupid do you think our audience is?

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Of course you expect the influenza vaccinated to have more comorbidities and be overweight because the vaccine causes those diseases.

Vaccines and Biologics injury table based on mechanistic evidence – Feb 2020 Covering over 125 conditions


Can you explain why this happens:


"Moreover, severe COVID-19 was accompanied by an increase in multiple type 2 (anti-helminths) effectors, including interleukin-5 (IL-5), IL-13, immunoglobulin E and eosinophils."

I can, you cannot.

Immunological Mechanisms Explaining the Role of Vaccines, IgE, Mast Cells, Histamine, Elevating Ferritin, IL-6, D-dimer, VEGF Levels in COVID-19 and Dengue, Potential Treatments Such as Mast Cell Stabilizers, Antihistamines: Predictions and Confirmations


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sure, influenza vaccination causes people to be old....

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You didn't actually read the paper all the way through, did you? Or do you only care about finding the piece of data that supports your predetermined conclusion?

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