Very clear picture at the top, a straightforward explanation. The addition of adjuvants to the vaccines will likely increase the initial sensitization?

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Correct. Aluminum salt based adjuvants are allergy boosters (Th2-biased).

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Would you have any book or article recommendations on how to effectively communicate with autistic adults?

Thank you.

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Sorry, I don't.

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Thank you for your reply. I will keep on looking.

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Get rid of all vaccines and humanity won’t be in the mess that it is.

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It is a good starting point. There is a lot more to get rid of though sadly.

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Yes, everything more than one human wants to decide for more than one human namely him/her-self, has to fulfill 7 pardigms. If only ONE is not fulfilled, you have proven mafia style (systemic or banal) corruption / interest conflict / "wag-the-dog" like narrative, whatever. Anything humans want to do has to be

1 - TRANSPARENT (protefcted, hidden-rotating and open, against structural and common corruption)

2 - early

3 - multi-modal (in meds: multi-drug, multi-target, but multi-modal also works eg for ending the agendas like "climate" or "CO2" or "trans" or "UK-RU" or "IL-HA" etc..)

and the normal 4 from hippocratic medicine you can also apply to CO2, climate, wars, "p(l)andemics", etc.:

4 - safe

5 - effective

6 - cheap

7 - available

in no priority. If one fails, take it DOWN.

The "system" often is content to reduce the "R-value" e.g. of availability of working tools e.g. against intoxications leading to "virus illnesses", a shortness e.g. like I suffered from for chromolynium acid, later HCQ (where I did not know I could want it), and even totally abundant things like baking soda in the middle of waves.

(Up to now, my main supermarked has threwn baking soda out of assortment. This is a scandal in itself!)

Up to now, Sanofi has dropped Intal (in 1.2020), the only monopolistic dosing aerosol spray for allergic asthma, and now patients are forced to mis-treat themselves, by getting prescribed and taking bronchial dilating agents, anti-spatic meds, and cortico-steroids, where all they need is some anti-histamin topically working.

In 2021, I discovered chromolynium acid is antiviral to corona viruses, and prevents cytokine storm of course only on surface of mucosa, alas, where it starts, in lungs and upper airways, at least I perceived its action on me this way since ca. 1975, from rather lay person's view and found at least "letters to the editor" suggesting this use. Well, so it makes sense it was withdrawn in 1.2020, doesn't it?

A year later, even the liquid form for inhalers, DNCG iso, suddenly suffered from "supply problems", out of stock. I tell you, this is a damocles sword till we produce EVERY essential medicine in our own village!!! Co-operating villages make the assortment "round", and inorganic antiseptics and herbs from meadows and leafs from trees can replace much that pharmafia so far provided of adulterated quality and just-in-time "out of stock" (in times of waves;).

Up to now, HCQ is not back to over-the-counter in whole EU, which it was till Nov. 2019. Yes, this is remarkable foresight of EU pharmafia regulation. So pre-pandemic, things effective (if taken early and for HCQ especially, in normal dosing and not like in WHO trial (where dosing 5x above was colportated in seperate com channels and 1200 people died from "WHO trial HCQ" around world in hospitals) and if normally dosed, totally tolerable) are withdrawn, so "availability" is arbitrarily reduced by some unseen forces.

But I do not care, as they are myriad ways to treat.

We do not have a lack of remedies, rather a lack of phantasy and heart.

There is only one thing that is heavy to treat: the separation from your "heart" ie the calcification of your hippocampus, isolating your soul, and the defunctionalisation of your amygdala, depriving you of your self-healing functions, as it is the conductor of everything bio-chemical in our body, I perceive. So decalifying and re-vitalising and re-functionalising these two may be our only chance. And we can do this by -- love.

Off course many remedies, up to neurofeedback and trans-cranial stimulation, whether by light, magnetic, electric, etc., and de-scarring interventions. Like DMSO, enzymes like serrapeptase, nattokinase, lumbrokinase, progesterone (only human form), magnesium (best diy bicarbonate from Mg hydroxite thrown in sparkling water), APM ointment, anything containing some

- sulphur, seemingly some catalyste to form hexagonally structured water, where I do not know anything of, especially not, how to measure it (wetting angle of purified water from probe?), like MSM, allicine, Sulpur D12, and now I discovered, anything containing stable nano-colloids of

- silicade, that is another axis of "energy of life"... What would stabilise them? I suspect colloidal silver, please veryfy or proove wrong. I just pluck stinging nettles and now try to drink the tea or whatever in the first 3 hours (or freeze it!), as later, the nano-colloids are glazing to bigger ones, that can not be used by our cells. Think of piezo-condesos, that Andreas N0ACK called "fuel cells of our cells", and you see why it may be helpful for many things, like detoxing ability, and also ability to mute unwanted genes, working for me both for old residual "virus" (swimmming warts) and seemingly residual CoV clot shot remains (perhaps plasmides gone to DNA and trickling out again seemingly randomly, which I do not believe, but I do not care, so it can heal faster;).

Perhaps even the retrovirus-cure from Dr. Klinghardt, SAMe and Panthethine for a year, effect in the same direction, of catalysing "energy of life".

That seems to be carried into the fascinating network of our bodies by our biome, that even is there in "sterile" blood and organs. And if it is distorted, we suffer. What distorts it? What can heal it, and how can we re-complete crippled biomes?

I'm curious to learn some bio-chemistry at least. I never took that class, only physics and physiology and some surface physics now called nano. ;)

I hope you could follow this associative round and see how, many hours later in a reading session of papers, videos, and some experiments, circles close.

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In the 21st century wars are fought in the mind using mass hypnosis and nanotechnology. Brains are the battlefield, and the spoils of war.

More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/the-first-world-mind-war

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I'm sure there will be justice for the destroyers...those who maim and destroy children and families...surely!

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Sir, we need you on Twitter. Would you be happy to (re)join?

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I am on Twitter @SynthIge .


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Following....THRILLED :-)

P.S.: I was looking for your Twitter handle by your name.

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Sir, I am unable to find you on X (again) !! May I have your new handle name?

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My account was suspended again.

Not sure how long this will last @VinuReal66167 ...


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I think it does not matter in times where normal citizens breed how to replace the internet itself. By ways of training our memory, writing more on paper, and smoke signals, etc.. ;)

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I’ll have to spend more time reading, it’s an interesting theory. All I can say is I think it starts in the gut, from destroying good bacteria or shifting populations of bacteria . That’s how I think vaccines tie into the picture that also contains cesarean delivery, antibiotic use, formula feeding, and also explains unvaccinated cases.

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In the 21st century wars are fought in the mind using mass hypnosis and nanotechnology. Brains are the battlefield, and the spoils of war.

More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/the-first-world-mind-war

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Quite the claim where there are organizations who tried to prove vaccines cause autism for decades and came with no evidence.

you cant make such bogus claims plus the study where this image came from states there is very low chance vaccines cause autism. you say its 75% like wtf

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You don't even know you cannot prove a negative.

Your source are the Pharma corrupted criminals at CHOP? Hilarious. Try harder.

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politics counter arguments dont work in scientific arguments.

the world isnt under control, the world is chaos, only small brains think everything is under control

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Do you have any evidence?

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If you could recognize evidence, you would not be asking.

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We should always be asking for more evidence, and to keep from misunderstanding the evidence that we do have.

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Yes, fund him. Or stop asking for more evidence.

But put up your own table-top RT-LAMP FRET test on folic receptor.

And on the cow milk protein itself, as we can rule out it is deliberately mixed into all food to "keep the folic receptor autoimmuity" going.

Proof: see, if it quacks like a duck...

- We have ? what rate of autism in 1950? 1:50,000 or so?

What have we now? 3% !

- Then go and draw vaccine uptake besides it.

Then go and try to find regional spikes, always a good indicator to find hidden connections, who does it?, and you will find freshly switched 4G to 5G networks, where levels are not adjusted to "evenly grill us", but no environmental pollution etc. factors really visibly cutting in.

But who talks about it? Who does unbiased studies?

(Well, found https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8580522/)

And paracetamol use after vaccination. Or in pregnancy.

And antibiotic, PEG/PolySorbate and NanoParticles toxic to homoeostatis of biome. (One could study antibiotics use in pregnancy and on the infants themselves.)

One could also do retrospective studies on "how biome-friendly is environment and behaviour" in autistic and non-affected families.

What is our access to biomes we can ingest?

If autism prevention depends on it, sue states banning raw milk.

To ensure quality (no pus in milk) without sterilsising all.

Do charts on point of time of ban of Borax and other good remedies in normal medicine.

Compare Methylene Blue entry medical almanach 1895 to 1990. All except "dye" is lost. Strange.

Though we know we can use inorganic antiseptics 150-200yrs back, we don't do, useable toopically as systemically, and use them in drinking water networks, where combo of gassing but soft CIO2 and harder NaHCIO produces nano-plastics (we have to filtrate out!), perhaps deliberately.

Yet we do not know them though it is proven beyond dout they can even heal autism, see Keri Rivery, so why doesn't somebody want to know why?

Today, we know we sometimes have to combine stuff, due to resistances, and help to traverse biofilms (DMSO), also combine inorganic antiseptics. I suspect stuff was made resistant deliberately and seeded for a long time before the lockdown files "when do we deploy the new variant" GB health minister Hancock. First case of 1917 spanish flu, I was told, hopped a short way from a US research facility, was it Fort Detrick? So all history of "viruses" have to be re-evaluated, for better cures, combining plants and inorganic antiseptics, eg..

All the "variants" for CoV around the world when first found differ by 1.6-1.9 YEARS of evolution from the ones at the place they were said to stem from. But shall be spread by visitors? In a month?

In DE, Case 1 of CoV (Webasto clerk visiting from CN) isn't even related to case 3, sequences do not match. Just "coincidentally" ill. Strain of Case one seemingly died off, not infectious enough to DE collective immunity.

If a private person can put the sequences next to each other and see, well, what do the officials NOT see?

I tell all this so we know we are up to fighting resisting (parasitic?) pathogens, have to enable the biome to re-gain control, and re-complete it by nibbling from hundreds of natural biomes, best bifido-rich. And feed the bifidos in us.

Only the last step is to collect de-scarring things, where I found only progesterone (human form), DMSO, organic magnesium (but best DIY bicarbonate water, see Dr. Sircus), hyalurone (we have to hack down to Blood-Brain-Barrier penetrating size and perhaps pack micellarly by eg horse chestnut's saponines (anti-inflammative), and re-plastificising brain parts either by spiritual or meditative or physiolgically working techniques, to enable to learn like a baby for a short time (trans-cranial stimulation, may it be infrared light (you can also measure chromophore emission through skull now), or magnetic etc..)

De-cacifying amygdala protocols would be a very valuable tool.

(I feel the amygdala and hippocampus seem to be targeted "system-atically" by fluoridation, nano aluminium in every day lives, spike, glyphsosate, oxidative long-term stress by cyanides (salt anti-caking, B12 variants agressively marekted in cyano-cobalmine form, which is waste for body an detox path for cyanides!), and probably few dozens more mechanisms and toxins YOU have to help to find!)

Half a year ago, I still smeared at the "decalcify amygdala" protocols.

I apologize.

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I would like to read YOUR contribution, dear reader, to

- A) what helps to reduce bad things (detox, what to avoid)

- B) what helps ourselves to re-gain control and just ... strive

I sometimes think my long writing makes people think I'm a gatekeeper, writing limited hangouts. But I'm just a concerned father looking into the future of my kids.

I have to learn to distill the new thing, my heart and feelings, into little lines.

Since I'm DE from bourn language, my EN may be a bit .. hard to read. I apologize.

And yes, I have to shake off layers of layers of propaganda and misinformation and mass-formation. To Prof. Desmet inflicting mass formation psychosis. So all is about "trauma healing".

All the best for humanity and the symbiotic distributed heart of humans, of the whole Planet Gaia, ever stronger pulsating, whenever the bad guys think they won another victory.

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Jun 29, 2023
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Where did you see me recommending a "Chiropractic, Naturopathic or Ayurvedic" treatment for autism?

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No. But why not. ;))

Where standard medicine fails, and cripples people, we are invited to "take our health responsibility into our own hands".

And yes, parents have to do the hard job of discriminating black, red and white pill in this world for their kids while they grow so fast, and everyday's problems suck every energy out off you.

A bobath trainer for therapists said once to us, while looking at our once 1kg preterm born baby, "listen to your heart, and all will be allright".

And everytime we did, it really turned out to be true.

And in the last years I discoverd, the world shaped itself around us in a way that just this did not happen so often any more. I did not listen to my heart. My wife did not. We let ourselves be split and seperated by the daemonic seeds the system sew just to split up people, in society, in families, between "nations", which is a de-relic conception of pre-5ths-gen-warfare times, now only abused for mass control.

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