This time the assault was too large to hide all the casualties. If they had been satisfied with the status quo they could have silenced the occasional Andrew Wakefield that was prepared to stick their head out but now they have hundreds of people from all walks of life that have made the connection with this jab being bad. Many people now look at the similarity in the censorship and have started to realize that the other jabs are probably bad as well.

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Most indoctrinated "Doctors" who will argue against you are so far in med school debt that they must continue to beat the drum for their #1 paying clients - vaccine manufacturers.

If you go to these "doctors" the only treatment you can expect is that which complies with their overlords to keep folks sick, and paying customers. They have all violated the hippocratic oath so many times over that they clearly never understood it in the first place, although allopathic medicine has no need for healthy "patients".

Funny Rockefeller himself had a homeopathic doctor as do most of the elites until you get so corrupted that Western surgery is nearly all that can keep you alive. Surgery is real medicine however most surgical procedures are quite avoidable by preventative care - primarily diet and exercise. Too hard for the masses to understand or commit to.

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