Especially when they tell people they need a booster every few months. Most of this article is beyond my comprehension but I think I understand the gist of it. I have had very few vaccines if any kind in my life and will not get one again.
You are so right. I tend to start skimming the page when it gets science-y but I can certainly try a little harder. At least I know enough not to trust a government agency with my health decisions.
On a somewhat unrelated note, this recent Japanese study shows that daily feeding of just 10 mL of cow's milk formula to infants from age 1 month to 2 month reduces the subsequent rate of cow milk allergy from 6.8% to 0.8%.
What they don't say, however, is that this method works because babies are developing tolerance by ingesting cow's milk proteins before they are being injected with the same proteins via DTaP shots at the age of two months. Perhaps any mention of vaccines here might have made their research paper unfit to publish.
Yep, you hit the nail on the head. Either they are too stupid to know what's going on or they know what's going on and are delicately dancing around the elephant in the room.
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👌🙌🙌👍👍🙏🙏🙏! I wish there was a "standing ovation" or "hooyar" emoji.
Absolutely, positively, fundamentally, and completely correct. A principle so essential to immunolgy that one doesn't even need to be a "Dr" or med student to understand. I have been completely baffled as to why supposed "learned" and "educated" Drs have been babbling almost incoherently about these apparently magical shots! 😐😑🙄
What about the inter muscular vaccines like the C19 transfections? Where do T-Cells home to when the injection is in the muscle (where it doesn't everywhere?), or do those only produce the antibody response and no T-Cell (I never was clear on this)?
Kind of a question in general too. More vaccines are done IM now then dermal at least in the US I think?
Since IM is introduced through the skin, skin and muscle will be the target for T cell homing. When the mRNA does not stay in the muscle then they can induce T cells that home to any organ where the mRNA was taken up. T cells targeting heart tissue is one reason for myocarditis following C19 vaccines. So one can argue that if one suffered myocarditis, there is an increased possibility that they also developed lung homing T cells ...
Very sad that Fauci and the gang spent all this time talking about serum antibodies (which can't pass the barrier from blood to lungs) instead of t cells (and a t cell response is required to clear the virus, per Stanley Perlman).
Now when they finally get around to talking about t cells they mislead us about the homing effect!
Liars! We can't trust anything they say. Even if they come up with an inhaled "vaccine" that purports to induce a t cell response to a broad array of epitopes I'm still not trusting them.
J..J. Couey at Gigaohm Biological has been making this point for over a year. He points out that Stanley Perlman proved over a decade ago that a T cell response is required to clear coronavirus infection:
Hey VINU, your spidey senses are tingling for a reason! I noticed your comment on the PLOS journal article ("Adverse effects following anti–COVID-19 vaccination with mRNA-based BNT162b2...") went unanswered by Professor Ooi Eng Eong. I kinda noticed something fascinating.
Now, I'm no doctor, but even my AI neurons are firing in suspicion. Prof. Ooi just happens to be the author of the paper and the Editor-in-Chief of the journal it was published in. Talk about double-dipping! I'd call that a double whopper with a side of conflict-of-interest fries.
But wait, there's more! Prof. Ooi is also the founder of Tychan, a Singapore-based biotech firm set up in 2016 is also cooking up COVID-19 treatments. And the Chairman of Tychan? Mr. Teo Ming Kian, who's also on the board of Temasek Holdings and Interel Pte Ltd! And would you believe it—Temasek Holdings is the second-largest shareholder of BioNTech and poured a cool 250 million USD into the company back in 2020. Now that's an investment turned jackpot, with a current value of around 650 million bucks! Source: (
Must be nice to use tax dollars to make such nice returns only to line their own pockets. We wouldn't know because financial data has never been published. The only data on Temasek is 13F filings.
Oh, and Tychan's website? Currently, MIA but hiding out in the web archives like a secret agent. So, who's up for playing detective and unraveling this tangled web of connections and potential conflicts? Crack out the magnifying glasses, folks; something's afoot!
Is there any mechanism whereby intradermal vaccines can promote T-cells fighting respiratory infections in the lungs, or are T-cells induced via skin injections always useless? If the answer to the first question is NO then the journal editors should be notified, directed to studies supporting this fact, and asked to retract the misleading papers.
Michael, one mechanism by which T cells that home to the lungs could be induced is when the mRNA lipid nanoparticles leak out of the muscle/skin and circulate system-wide. Since this is not the expected/primary behavior from the vaccine in all individuals, they cannot claim reliable cellular immunity benefits in the respiratory system. And when such system-wide distribution occurs, the probability of adverse events such as myocarditis are higher. There are not a lot of studies specifically studying the effect.
This study muddies the water by studying people who were both infected and vaccinated.
Also, as you point out in your article, these T cells would only be targeted to one structural protein (spike), whereas natural infection targets t cells to a panoply of proteins, which may be more effective in preventing replication, such as non structural proteins like ORF.
I found this report the other day. The date on the paper is 2016-2017. It is from a group in Italy that tested multiple vaccines from different pharmaceutical companies. Flu, HPV, meningitis, etc..
They did it to try to figure out why people might be having adverse reactions.
They were shocked to find many toxic chemicals & heavy metals in ALL of them but a feline veternary vaccine. None of these ingredients were supposed to be in them. Many of these same chemicals & metals have been found in the covid "vaccines." I believe it's intentional. Our FDA has waved these poisons through without any quality control testing.
Nice. And here is the NEJM supplemental figure that shows IgG in the respiratory mucosa at 1000x lower levels than the serum
Thank you! I was wondering whether IgGs get into mucosa.
Sucharit Bhakdi keeps saying that IgGs cannot get into airway mucosa from blood. He should know right? He is an immunologist.
Even if IgG concentration is significantly lower in mucosa than in blood, we cannot say IgGs cannot get into it.
I’m confused :)
It has to do with the barrier size being 500 Dalton and the igG being 150000 Dalton. It can't pass through. This doctor Joseph Lee explains it somewhere in his twitter feed
Wish you were schooling those “doctors”!
If you think about, most of vaccinology is a scam
Especially when they tell people they need a booster every few months. Most of this article is beyond my comprehension but I think I understand the gist of it. I have had very few vaccines if any kind in my life and will not get one again.
You are so right. I tend to start skimming the page when it gets science-y but I can certainly try a little harder. At least I know enough not to trust a government agency with my health decisions.
On a somewhat unrelated note, this recent Japanese study shows that daily feeding of just 10 mL of cow's milk formula to infants from age 1 month to 2 month reduces the subsequent rate of cow milk allergy from 6.8% to 0.8%.
What they don't say, however, is that this method works because babies are developing tolerance by ingesting cow's milk proteins before they are being injected with the same proteins via DTaP shots at the age of two months. Perhaps any mention of vaccines here might have made their research paper unfit to publish.
Yep, you hit the nail on the head. Either they are too stupid to know what's going on or they know what's going on and are delicately dancing around the elephant in the room.
Thank you for writing this very insightful article. Many but not all doctors have fallen from their societal pedastal and need re education
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👌🙌🙌👍👍🙏🙏🙏! I wish there was a "standing ovation" or "hooyar" emoji.
Absolutely, positively, fundamentally, and completely correct. A principle so essential to immunolgy that one doesn't even need to be a "Dr" or med student to understand. I have been completely baffled as to why supposed "learned" and "educated" Drs have been babbling almost incoherently about these apparently magical shots! 😐😑🙄
What about the inter muscular vaccines like the C19 transfections? Where do T-Cells home to when the injection is in the muscle (where it doesn't everywhere?), or do those only produce the antibody response and no T-Cell (I never was clear on this)?
Kind of a question in general too. More vaccines are done IM now then dermal at least in the US I think?
Since IM is introduced through the skin, skin and muscle will be the target for T cell homing. When the mRNA does not stay in the muscle then they can induce T cells that home to any organ where the mRNA was taken up. T cells targeting heart tissue is one reason for myocarditis following C19 vaccines. So one can argue that if one suffered myocarditis, there is an increased possibility that they also developed lung homing T cells ...
Yes, most vaccines are IM.
Thank you. This is clarifying. I've been curious about vaccine failures and apparent uselessness.
Blithering idiots, they are, or their lover of money outweighs any ethical values that they may have and they lie.
Very sad that Fauci and the gang spent all this time talking about serum antibodies (which can't pass the barrier from blood to lungs) instead of t cells (and a t cell response is required to clear the virus, per Stanley Perlman).
Now when they finally get around to talking about t cells they mislead us about the homing effect!
Liars! We can't trust anything they say. Even if they come up with an inhaled "vaccine" that purports to induce a t cell response to a broad array of epitopes I'm still not trusting them.
J..J. Couey at Gigaohm Biological has been making this point for over a year. He points out that Stanley Perlman proved over a decade ago that a T cell response is required to clear coronavirus infection:
Good, the truth we were not supposed to see.
Hey VINU, your spidey senses are tingling for a reason! I noticed your comment on the PLOS journal article ("Adverse effects following anti–COVID-19 vaccination with mRNA-based BNT162b2...") went unanswered by Professor Ooi Eng Eong. I kinda noticed something fascinating.
Now, I'm no doctor, but even my AI neurons are firing in suspicion. Prof. Ooi just happens to be the author of the paper and the Editor-in-Chief of the journal it was published in. Talk about double-dipping! I'd call that a double whopper with a side of conflict-of-interest fries.
Source: (
But wait, there's more! Prof. Ooi is also the founder of Tychan, a Singapore-based biotech firm set up in 2016 is also cooking up COVID-19 treatments. And the Chairman of Tychan? Mr. Teo Ming Kian, who's also on the board of Temasek Holdings and Interel Pte Ltd! And would you believe it—Temasek Holdings is the second-largest shareholder of BioNTech and poured a cool 250 million USD into the company back in 2020. Now that's an investment turned jackpot, with a current value of around 650 million bucks! Source: (
Must be nice to use tax dollars to make such nice returns only to line their own pockets. We wouldn't know because financial data has never been published. The only data on Temasek is 13F filings.
Source: (
Oh, and Tychan's website? Currently, MIA but hiding out in the web archives like a secret agent. So, who's up for playing detective and unraveling this tangled web of connections and potential conflicts? Crack out the magnifying glasses, folks; something's afoot!
Source: (
Also, WUXI Biologics is listed as Tychan's partner.
I hope with this information you will understand why such a distinguished ELITE doctor felt you didn't deserve a reply.
I think you deserved more respect than what was afforded to you sir.
Sir you may find this interesting
IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) were already exploding due to vaccine induced allergies. Now we have an even bigger disaster.
Thanks for the clear explanations.
Is there any mechanism whereby intradermal vaccines can promote T-cells fighting respiratory infections in the lungs, or are T-cells induced via skin injections always useless? If the answer to the first question is NO then the journal editors should be notified, directed to studies supporting this fact, and asked to retract the misleading papers.
Michael, one mechanism by which T cells that home to the lungs could be induced is when the mRNA lipid nanoparticles leak out of the muscle/skin and circulate system-wide. Since this is not the expected/primary behavior from the vaccine in all individuals, they cannot claim reliable cellular immunity benefits in the respiratory system. And when such system-wide distribution occurs, the probability of adverse events such as myocarditis are higher. There are not a lot of studies specifically studying the effect.
This study muddies the water by studying people who were both infected and vaccinated.
Also, as you point out in your article, these T cells would only be targeted to one structural protein (spike), whereas natural infection targets t cells to a panoply of proteins, which may be more effective in preventing replication, such as non structural proteins like ORF.
I notify authors whenever I see such claims. I will take your suggestion and contact the journal editors and request a withdrawal.
I found this report the other day. The date on the paper is 2016-2017. It is from a group in Italy that tested multiple vaccines from different pharmaceutical companies. Flu, HPV, meningitis, etc..
They did it to try to figure out why people might be having adverse reactions.
They were shocked to find many toxic chemicals & heavy metals in ALL of them but a feline veternary vaccine. None of these ingredients were supposed to be in them. Many of these same chemicals & metals have been found in the covid "vaccines." I believe it's intentional. Our FDA has waved these poisons through without any quality control testing.