Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

Thank you. This is most important to know. My 2023 New year prayer is that now (better late than never) HHS and Pharma will heed your warnings and halt forcing people to get vaccinated and suspend vaccination.

Further those who wish to skip true vaccination should never be considered a hazard to the health of a vaccinated individual.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

THANK YOU for trying over & over & over to warn!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

Is this level of protein contamination also evidenced in the childhood vaccine scheduled ones as well?

I ask due to the predominance of so many food allergies in my grandchildren’s cohort.

I do not remember so many allergic to foods or pets in my childhood. I was the only one with anything more than hay fever. I put it down to being 6 week Prem incubator baby in the 1960’s.

I’ve also noticed numerous antibiotics included in vaccine ingredients. And at the same time we have increases in anti microbial resistance and antibiotic allergies.

My list of drug allergies increases every year. Last one anaphylaxis.

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Evidence that Food Proteins in Vaccines Cause the Development of Food Allergies and Its Implications for Vaccine Policy


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Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023

Imo, another way an intact food protein can enter the blood stream (other than by injection/vaccine) is to have some structural issue with the gut lining, for example "leaky gut" caused by GMOs, antibiotic use, pesticides/other toxins....this causes partially digested/undigested food protein molecules from food that we've eaten to "inappropriately" pass into the blood stream where, if the timing is right and the stars are all aligned, they could "meet" an adjuvant (from a recently injected vaccine for eg.) and create an IgE allergy.

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Agree, that is possible.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

Slightly off track, but from your name, I understand you're originally from south India. I am too (Kerala). Have read your papers and research on food allergies, having a food allergic child myself. I have been wondering....do you think that we Indians have a genetic predisposition to developing food allergies (when exposed to environmental toxins/vaccines etc.)? I know many in our community, especially those who immigrated in the past 20-30 years, have kids with one or more food allergies. Have never heard of food allergies when growing up in India. Only after coming to the USA and having my second child 8 years later, did I even realize food allergies are a thing :) My first child, born 1.5 years after coming here has no allergies at all. It's all a puzzle.

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Yes, I am from Tamil Nadu but lived in Bangalore before migrating to the US.

I think people living in the tropics have evolved stronger anti-parasite defenses (compared to people in temperate areas). Allergy is simply anti-parasite immune responses against harmless proteins.

So it is expected that people from the tropics are more likely to develop allergies when vaccinated.

As for difference between children, c-section birth is an additional risk due to poor gut microbiome. Not sure if that applies in your case. Since vaccine contaminant levels can vary 100-fold, it is Russian roulette even otherwise.

Having an actual parasite infection during childhood also has some protective effect against allergies.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

it just gets better and better

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IKR? The worse-case scenarios, along with the conspiracy theories, keep coming true.

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I understand from this that if a person has an IgE mediated food sensitivity, and they keep consuming the trigger protein, they may over time develop apparent tolerance, switching from IgE to IgG4 type (milder) reaction, but this can cause other problems. Does this imply that one should not try to ‘defeat’ a food allergy by simply enduring it? Are there any reliable ways of curing an IgE mediated food sensitivity?

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I am not aware of a reliable way to cure IgE mediated food allergy.

Right now, it seems the best we can do is find the fine balance between IgE dominated life-threatening allergy and IgG4/eosinophilic allergy states.

My son eats 1/8 teaspoon of allergens every week. A tight rope walk.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

Wierdly, there is thought to be a connection to milk proteins and inflammatory bowel / intestinal diseases. Has it been associated with a similar ietology as autism? How many other illnesses could be associated with this ? ADD, epilepsy, poor performance at school, failure to thrive?

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Huge list. A complete list will be a work in progress for a long time ...

Milk containing vaccines cause milk allergies, EoE, autism and type 1 diabetes


Vaccines and Biologics injury table based on mechanistic evidence – Feb 2020 Covering over 125 conditions


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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

My child did oral immunotherapy (OIT) for peanut many years ago and is currently doing OIT for 3 other allergens at once. I too worry about tipping the balance towards "too much" tolerance (IgG4)/EoE. Planning to only go until an amount that keeps her safe from accidental ingestion and not try for "free eating".

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

Thank you Vinu.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

So am I correct in assuming that childhood vaccines could be responsible for my son’s nut allergies? He’s anaphylactic.

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Evidence that Food Proteins in Vaccines Cause the Development of Food Allergies and Its Implications for Vaccine Policy


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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

I suspect so as peanut proteins are supposed to be ingested not injected.

I also wonder about ‘fear factor’ for underlying nut allergies has made many expectant mothers get advice to avoid nuts during pregnancy. And then told that they shouldn’t give nut butters to children.

The issue was never in the food. I never knew anyone allergic to nuts growing up. Peanut butter sandwiches and milk is a complete protein. Mainstay of American childhood diet.

Hmm. Almost like they don’t want you to be as American as peanut butter by doing this!

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

My son is 22 and yes, I was blamed for his peanut allergy because I ate Pad Thai during pregnancy. 😣 and then the advice was to avoid possible allergens so no nuts. 😖😖 so much for the experts.

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Medical muddles that maim our children with allergies, asthma and autism


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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

When what they really want is to stop you eating entirely at that rate.

But then they want the world to go vegan? That’s based on…

Nut proteins.

Irony. They sure do that one.

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

Wow... incredible ... This is so damning.. we have to get more states AGs to initiate investigations until Congress is overwhelmed with this kind of evidence and a Congressional Investigation is demanded ..

Thank you Vinu.. for your excellence and Integrity.. and helping turn the Tide on this Crime of the century

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

Thank you so much!

I have passed along your article.

Any thoughts for those of us who are taking anti-parasite herbs? Should we be taking more of them? Import for people taking Ivermectin?

The revelation about eosonophils and potentially consequential myocarditis is shocking. A factor in all of the terrible illnesses and deaths in athletes?

Thanks again, Vinu!

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Sorry, I have no expertise on herbs. I expect dosing herbs can be tricky.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

Since you were able to predict this, it shows that it was predictable. In a non-clown world, the authorities would now be coming to you. Subscribed.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Vinu Arumugham #Kennedy24

I was in a biology class with Geert Vanden Bossche today where he mentioned that the shift to IgG4 isn’t happening in the unvaccinated who have been naturally infected with SARS-COV-2 nor in the vaccinated who were naturally infected before vaccination.

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IgG4 needs IgE first which only occurs with injected spike. So infection will not cause IgE/IgG4.

In those infected, most of the vaccine spike is destroyed by their infection induced immunity. So not enough spike to cause IgG4.

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Academic science is completely controlled, what is known about in textbooks and journals is largely the wrong end of the stick https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/philadelphia-2023

why is this paper being promoted by the mainstream? why do we keep reposting it? what do they want us to buy?



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If muscle/joint pain results consistently after eating certain foods, is elevated eosinophils the most likely cause?

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IgG4-RD can affect many organs. So it is a possibility but I have not studied it.

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Is it possible to reverse desensitisation of the immune system (IgG4) to again teach it to respond with IgG1 to the same protein?

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If you can control antigen exposure, IgG4 can be controlled.

If you stop mRNA boosters, spike specific IgG4 level will go down. Infection could elevate IgG4 again.

IgG4 against pollen, for example, is difficult to reduce as pollen avoidance is difficult.

However IgG4 reduction usually means IgE boost. So more severe allergic reactions upon antigen exposure can be expected. Basically, reversing desensitization means one has allergic sensitization to the antigen.

Not sure how IgG1 alone can be created except by a live virus nasal vaccine.

When dengue is endemic, ongoing infected mosquito bites maintain dengue specific IgG4 level in the population. Mild disease is the result. With mosquito abatement, IgG4 goes down, IgE goes up. Severe dengue is the result.

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