Ha ha ha Josef Mengele Institute!

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I LOVE your title for this article. And there it is, the elephant in the room that we're told is "impolite" to talk about, even as it's crushing our offspring underfoot.

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Think of all the lives that would be saved if they had just substituted saline for all of the mRNA injections worldwide. It would have been worth the "cost."

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Medicine is indeed a corrupted clown show.

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Absolutely, it goes with my hypothesis

that given overwhelming compliance

the saline inoculations would do the job just fine in regards to the control issue and, they would be no carnage. Thank you Vinu, great work.

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If we truly wish arrive at the truth, if we truly wish accuracy in assessing result, why not do as you suggest with EVERY study that comes before an FDA panel for approval? Show them the placebo results and show them the drug results but don't tell them which is which. Force the panel to decide between column A, column B, or neither. Better yet, avoid the human approval panel of 'experts' completely. Apply the same rigorous statistical analysis - (statistical methods properly vetted for accuracy beforehand, of course) - which should take human chicanery out of the process completely.

Kudos on the 'role reversal' approach, Mr. Arumugham - truly a stroke of genius. If the health authorities truly cared about our health, why haven't they been using that approach all along?

Rhetorical question, that last one. I think we already know.

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You hit the nail on the head, repeatedly! Thank you.

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Non-participation ...100% effectiveness

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You are so correct!

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It is the number one reason I chose not to. In any good experiment, you must have a control group, or else it is mad science. Mandating an experimental drug is bad science, not to mention against the Constitution and Nuremberg Code. https://leemuller.substack.com/p/no-we-should-not-all-get-vaccinated

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Using relative rather than absolute numbers should be banned in all drug/vax maker studies and claims. But if they did, it would reveal than none of their products are effective so that will never happen.

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Great idea Vinu, it proberbly will work, so it will be banned.

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Good point, well made!

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my understanding was that no published RCTs for any vaccines have ever used a proper placebo such as saline. They have all used either the previous vaccine or the new vaccine minus the biologic bits (i.e. all the toxic bits such as adjuvants, preservatives etc). This makes it impossible for the results of any of those trials to give any meaningful indication of efficacy or safety of the vaccine. I was astonished to find this out and it puts the whole vaccine industry and its claim to be one of the miracles of modern medicine in a very different light. So I wonder whether the trials for the covid vaccines used saline - I would be amazed if they did.

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COVID vaccine trials claim they used saline. I don't think there is any independent verification.

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interesting! Based on previous form it sounds like in the past they did absolutely anything to avoid real placebos for comparison

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Wiping one's own hiney trials soon to show 99.9 % efficacy in clean bung-hole. News at eleventy....eveeeeeeeeen.

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