More than enough information in here to make me a complete anti-vaxxer & needle phobic. Thank G-d I didn’t take the jab & haven’t been near a needle in 15 years. How sad about Stephen Hawking, he accomplished so much with his limitations but can you imagine what he would have accomplished healthy.

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Would love more information how to protect our pets, specifically puppies/dogs.

I can’t bear to get another without knowing what to protect them from, and how to get around the county requirements for rabies etc. Do I dare wonder if rabies vax actually even protects them?

Seems that ALL vaccines have done more harm than good.

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I had an old retired vet tell me that animals do not need all of these injections that have become so profitable. He said- "If your animal stays indoors, and doesn't have access to come in contact with wild animals- it doesn't need all of these shots." The food that most of our animals eat is bad enough. I've noticed the rise in cancers and tumors, diabetes, arthritis, etc..in dogs & cats over the past 40-50 yrs and it's awful. Animals shouldn't be getting these diseases. I know most vets in inner cities push alot of vaccines. Or..you have to get them to kennel your animal, take it out in public, etc.. It's ridiculous in my opinion. It's a money making sham

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Exactly. Here's a person who discovered the damage pet vaccines cause and started investigating human vaccines.


Vaccine-induced autoimmunity in the dog


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Thank you so much!! Excellent articles.. I have learned so much in the last couple years that I'm ashamed I was so ignorant when my children were born.

I wish I could get through to my parents & other family members, but they have been traumatized with the fear by our media, Fauchi, & medical Drs promoting these shots.

They are planning on getting this new bi-valent booster and I am so worried. My parents are 80 but healthy. My mom got the 2nd booster and started having terrible lower back pain a month later. Her Dr said she has osteoarthritis now-- but no mention that these shots could be causing it.

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Back pain is a common side effect as the Israelis found and tried to hide.


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My first red flag was ~ 2006 when my new veterinarian asked if I wanted to give my dogs the coronavirus vaccine…which I had never heard of, and I adamantly declined, based on the fact that all of a sudden there it was! It seems she mentioned virus and the heart when I asked what it was for, but I forget exactly.

I never gave them bordatella, either. Wish I hadn’t gotten them ANY. I have so much guilt from being so ignorant. Same guilt with my children…

And another thing, the only dogs that died prematurely from cancer were the ones that were neutered or spayed. Explain that.

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By the way, I LOVE chow dogs!! The 2 best dogs I've ever had were Chows.

Anyhow, I have 2 male 11 year old Siberian Forest cats that have each had 1 rabies shot when they were neutered at 1 yrs of age. No other shots.

They stay indoors and do not roam. They still run and play like kittens. I have never agreed with giving animals getting so many vaccines. They upped the vaccines for kids and animals too all for more $$.

My daughter has a cat she raised on a bottle. She lives in a large city, and no vet will see an animal there unless it gets all of the required shots. When they gave the 1st series to her kitten, she noticed that when she got home it wasn't acting normal. A few hours went by, and she got scared because it's pupils were dilated and breathing was labored.

She called me in a panic. I told her that the kitten was going into shock and it would be dead by morning if she didn't get it to an animal hospital.

Sure enough, the animal hospital vet said it was having a reaction to the shots and gave it something. It lived thank goodness, but I guarantee that cat won't get anymore shots. It doesn't need them anyhow because it stays indoors.

I told my daughter early on about refusing these jabs early in this scamdemic because of potential harms and she took my advice thank goodness. When her kitten almost died, I said: "That could have been you. Once you inject it--it can't be undone. It's that easy to die." She was horrified that day

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About rabies. it is endemic in Texas in skunks.. Do get your dog rabies shots please.

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If an oral version is available that is likely to cause less damage than an injected one.


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I agree that rabies vaccinations are very important. However I don’t think they need to be done yearly from a medical standpoint, I believe they are good almost for a lifetime or close to 10 years it’s not. What do you think Bob?

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I agree. And if oral available, even better

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This book is really eye-opening. The article has a video at the bottom by the author.


And Dr. Paul Thomas a pediatrician from Oregon who has extensive comparative studies on unvaccinated children & vaccinated in his large practice.


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This is one of the most important article you have written. Thank you so much for all this information.

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Thank you a lot for the information. Before covid, I was a careful-vaxxer, what I have learned about the subject since early 2020 has transformed me into a complete and even fanatic anti-vaxxer, a title I am carrying with pride

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My transformation occurred in 2013 when I started investigating the cause of my son's life-threatening food allergies.

How to prevent or reduce risk of food allergies, autism, asthma and type 1 diabetes: From a parent who has been burned


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This is so true. Vaccines come with a risk. Even if small, the deal is if you get the neurological or cardiac injury it is 100% for you. And informed consent.. oh that is something the NAzis forgot to do.. they were bad. Our doctors don't do it.. they are okay, they are not Nazis..Unbelievable.

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I was contemplating about this for all my antivax years. Generally when people ask me why I do not vax, I answer with short "they reprogram your immune system". Usually that is enough, because people are not very interested in this subject (unfortunately). And while at times, when I choose this one-liner, I could only vaguely describe it, I find now that is the best argument. You made it all brilliantly with references.

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Wow, thanks for this info!

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I had a friend who got diagnosed with ALS on her 34th birthday and she lived only to be 37 years old. She was born in 1962. Even though there was not a whole lot of mandatory vaccines back then we had to take at least four or five for school. Also she took Benadryl every day from the time she was a preteen. I felt like that contributed to it but that’s just a hunch. Do you think that all ALS is caused by vaccines or just some of the cases? Were there any vaccine during Lou Gehrig’s lifespan?

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"Do you think that all ALS is caused by vaccines or just some of the cases?"

I suspect most cases are caused by vaccines. Infections, cancer can also rarely cause autoimmune diseases. The explosion of autoimmune diseases today can only be explained by vaccines.

"Were there any vaccine during Lou Gehrig’s lifespan?"



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indeed. - in the 1950s, none of my classmates had any peanut allergies. Autism was un heard of... ADHD ditto, un heard of. Most of us got the red measles, the German measles, the mumps, the chickenpox, some got tuberculosis, my neighbor had yellow jaundice hepatitis. Then Viet Nam happened and most of us guys joined up and got the shots for the military.. So we Baby Boomers are about vaccinated out. I am done with vaccines... Got the shingles shot, it was okay..and the pneumovax shot swelled up my arm turned it red and I had a cough, suspect mediastinal lymphadenopathy. I am done with shots thank you very much. My doctors don't like it when I tell them "NO" They know not to argue with me.

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I know I'll never trust any shots again after what happened these past 2 yrs. I haven't gotten a flu shot or tetanus shot since 1993. Only see a Dr if I'm injured or get pneumonia. I saw a video recently about what is actually in the different "covid vaccines." Groups of scientists & Drs from all over the world tested random vials. I always felt like they were bioweapons


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Oh I just remembered another former neighbor who was a very healthy vibrant 67-year-old woman (looked 45) developed a very aggressive form of bulbar ALS and died within three months. This happened last summer and I assume she was probably vaccinated, knowing her….It was such a shock to everyone. I was so shocked she passed away I really didn’t even think about it being the ‘vaccine’ but now I totally believe it.

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Thank you, very interesting article! Once again a disease that they claim has “no known cause” really has an etymology. My friend also took allergy shots on a very regular basis, do you think they could have also played a part? Thank you for your insight and your blog!

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Yes, allergy shots can be contaminated with plant/animal proteins and also contain aluminum based adjuvants. So they are also well suited to cause autoimmune disorders.

You are welcome!

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"Also she took Benadryl every day from the time she was a preteen"

That sounds like a treatment for vaccine-induced allergy. If that caused adverse events, that would be another example of the iatrogenic cascade.

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Benedryl...given with every chemo treatment in my experience last year! I can't walk unassisted and I've not had "vaccines" since grade school....am now 66.

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Vaccines are the most common injections. But any injection can cause the development of allergies and subsequent reactions. Injected chemo, biologics, parenteral nutrition, any surgery, etc.

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Never had allergies either until my tooth extraction 2022....Now, histamine reaction with every meal, excess saliva, difficulty swallowing, loss of voice, difficulty breathing.

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Sorry to hear that.

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Thank you for your kind attention....I hope you have found remedies for your son's medical needs. If not, it sounds as though you are close to solving this very complicated puzzle.

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I have Lou Gerig's symptoms after a dental injection in January, 2022. If there is e-coli in the shots, what is the remedy for that? Does ivermectin have effect? Azithromycin?

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Sorry to hear that. Applying a drop of chicken broth+milk on healthy skin may help.

I explain why here: https://zenodo.org/records/3261866

Not sure about ivermectin, azithromycin.

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