In the real world - we become that which we resist/reject.

the past (1800's) - AMA/pHarma called Natural Physicians - Snake-oil peddlers (or something to same effect).

Now - AMA/pHarma are the ones peddling Snake-oil equivalents (and causing great harm).

AMA/pHarma continue to make life difficult for Natural Physicians simply because they seek to actually heal the source of a person's ills with natural products.

The so-called democracies [selectcracies] have become dens of fascism/communism and the previous communist Nation (Russia) has become freedom under a dictatorship. [Not all dictators are bad. Some really do have the well-being of the people first and foremost.]

Libya was a free and wealthy society (under a dictator) before the modern day 'demoncratic' countries destroyed it. Now it is a basket-case riddled with turmoil and is a training ground for terrorists.

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This substack was in my reading suggestions and there's more info out there about the same subject matter. This is a link to "Due Diligence and Art" substack. Sasha references Charles Richet and his work with adjuvants and anaphylaxis:


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Health clinicians paid by pharma are baffled what could be causing the problem.

Unfun fact: Pharmakeia (strongly condemned in the Bible under sorcery) when translated in Greek is actually the name of a nymph with poisonous powers who lived in a poisonous spring:


They tell you to your faces and still laugh when you buy their products.

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